Tuesday, April 28, 2015

GDX Signal Launched - Success

We launched the GDX Signal, and it hit right away Monday AM, and completed today for a nice profit of nearly 4%.  Signal went long again at the end of the day.  The signal comes automatically, right to your mobile App.  This is on top of a very nice SVXY trade that popped this morning and is still active.  You join by subscribing on the right hand side.  I am practically giving it away, but not for much longer.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Welcome to MY Stock Signals blog

I created this blog page to make it easy for you to subscribe to my service.  I developed a pretty reliably profitable signal to trade volatility, Gold, the Miner ETF's, and the SPY ETF's.  I released the Volatility signal two weeks ago, and today am releasing the GDX signal.  Over the next month, I will add SPY, gold and the Biotech ETF to the site.

My intention is to keep the price affordable and yet raise enough to continue to invest my time and programming resources to make it better.

The price is $12.50/month, and will remain the price forever for the first 300 users, or June 30th, whichever comes first (those that already subscribed by then, are locked in).  Enjoy, and provide me feedback so I can continue to tweak the program, over time.

I also have received many requests for auto trading this signal.  I am looking into it, but it will be behind making these initial signals reliable, and stable.

You can subscribe to the right.
