As I reflect on these things, I started looking at other patterns coming to conclusion over these next 25 years, and how do I prepare myself, family, friends, and anyone else who will listen. The patterns are large, and the impacts are huge, and in 17 years of trading I noticed one thing; negative events occur quickly, capturing the unaware, unbelieving, and unprepared off guard.
We have four of them staring us in the face, and they are all interelated, or the impacts will be,
- Worldwide demographic time bomb/Mass Migration. The wealthy, productive societies are rapidly aging, and the less productive and poor are not. This is a triple whammy for Europe, a double whammy for the U.S. and a Whammy for North/NorthEast Asia. Europe will not be able to care for their elderly, at the same time they are importing people who can offer nothing, yet need government resources to survive, and are bringing a culture that is foreign and hostile to everything Europe holds dear. The U.S. suffers from the first two, and Asia will suffer the burden of caring for their elderly. In fact the next two patterns will make this problem incredibly painful, and incendiary.
- Worldwide climate cold phase pattern aligning. There are eight climate influencers, and every two hundred tears, they all align in the negative phase. When that happens, worldwide growing seasons shrink by 15%, and agriculture production above the 45 Laditude cease for 10-15 years. The rest of the world sees incredibly wild swings of drought, flood, heat, and cold. These patterns are :
- ENSO/SOI (El Nino/La Nina)
- Atlantic MultiDecadalOscillator
- Arctic Oscillator
- Pacific DecadalOscillator
- Solar Minimums
- Grand Solar Minimums
- Lunar Standstill
- Landscheit Cycle
- Peak credit. At the same time the above events are happening, governments around the world will be in the least position to help. They are broke, they set expectations of some sort of fountain of youth money supply, and there ability to solve and manage the big problems. All of that will be laid bare in the coming decade. We are on our own, at best, and with an increasingly hostile, and parnoid government out for its own survival, at worst.
Ready to kill yourself yet? LOL, sounds bad, and it is, but you must know the important problems, in order to solve them. Remember:
I will have much more to say about this in the coming months, but this is what you should start to think about now, in order to profit and survive.
- China, Russia, Europe,Canada, and Japan will be failed societies, think about getting out.
- Southeast Asia, maybe Australia, maybe Northern California, South Central U.S, North Central Mexico, and Argentina likely OK. India and Pakistan are wild cards depending on their ability to manage the volatility.
- Get out of the cities, You will be trapped.
- Get as energy and food independent, as possible. Be prepared to grow food under glass, depending where you are living. Solar and wind, a must.
- Buy the Agriculture, Coal, ETF's, and the best Natural Gas names once the bankruptcy waves subside.
- For your children, or yourself if you are young enough, Food technology, Geneticists, Biochemistry, Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Water Technology, and Robotics. Forget everything else. A starving and aging world does not need Pysch majors.
I hope I got your attention. Now do something about it.